Innovating Education: Tak Lo’s Teaching Approach
As a Visiting Associate Professor at the American University of Armenia (AuA), I am redefining how entrepreneurship is taught. My course, Entrepreneurship in the Age of AI, blends cutting-edge AI tools like ChatGPT with real-world insights to equip the next generation of leaders and founders with the skills they need to succeed.
Want to Learn More?
👉 Human-Centric AI for Next-Generation Leadership
Guest Lectures →
Tak Lo’s other lectures
How to Survive in the Age of AK for SEM335 at the Chinese University of Hong Kong
How to Survive in the Age of AI for BS at the American University of Armenia
Digital Nomadism for SEM335 at the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong
Startup Seaside Summit →
Tak Lo’s teaching materials on entrepreneurship and leadership delivered at various Startup Seaside Summit events
SSSUAE24 Micro-Acceleration Program 💨
SSS24 Micro-Acceleration Program 💨
I, Leader - Supplementary Material
Entrepreneurship in the Age of AIHUMAIN (Human-Centric AI for Next-Generation Leadership)AZAD AI